Terry Rhuebottom
Animation and Motion Capture
Please allow me to thank you for your interest in hiring, working for me, or offering me your services in relation to my career.

I get unsolicited private messages and emails from people regarding these issues a few dozen times a day and I have opened up this web page to help streamline our interaction and business.

I do keep a separate portfolio page and typically clients and professionals I actively work with or people who contact me through proper channels have access to my work and demo reels as well as being able to avoid the rest of the requirements listed. This page is to weed out time wasters and scam artists.

If you have been sent to this particular page remember this you have sought me out. You want my time. To either connect with me to hire me/ get me to create for you without any prior communication, for me to send you work without me posting anything regarding whether I'm looking to fill positions or not and most likely without providing me any sort of proof that you can actually do the jobs I might require, or you are trying to offer me services that I have not looked into like rendering, social media management, or many other services that I might consider if someone in my line of work may need them.

My going rates are $35.00 USD per billable work hour and I am offering 1 hour of my time for consultation in all of these matters for $35.00. I will not discuss any of these matters before I have received payment of this consultation fee and will schedule a time convenient for me, based on my timezone (Eastern Daylight Time: UTC -4). All times given will be based on this time zone. So please make sure to be on time for our discussion.

Payments for consultation can be made via multiple methods, are NONREFUNDABLE, and must be paid in full before scheduling will occur. Please feel free to contact me via the contacts page and we can arrange your method of payment if you are willing to continue. If not please feel free to have a very good day and I do not discuss business of any type with random unsolicited contacts sent to my Facebook DM or other social media DM unless my fee is paid or we have had some form of significant interaction.

In addition, I do not accept random friend invites from people.

Thank You

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